Looking for musicians to start a band for an ambitious project. Details in post. Start roughly on 01.03.2025
Hello world,
Maybe all this is bullshit, here comes a long text. Short story, I am looking for like-minded musicians, namely: guitar player, drummer, bass player, optional but welcome keyboard player, percussionist. I can play guitar and harmonica, and try to learn basic bass guitar and keyboards to be able to follow and talk the same language with the people in the band. I don't have a rehearsal space but I think we can discuss these things later. However, if anyone has anything, great! Let's get together if you're interested and talk about it
I have finally decided to take some action upon my personal project that I've been wanting to do for a very long time now. I am a 22-year old established in Vienna, I don't speak German very well yet, but learning. Anyway, what's this about? I am looking for like-minded people to work on this project that I will briefly describe here: I am writing songs for a 4-part show that I want to put in a series of bars in Vienna. Each of the 4 parts is presented and sung by one of the 4 characters that I created. The characters are fictional, but they represent different versions of myself and they are inspired also by real persons that have been influential in one way or another in my life (friends, random strangers, mentors). The shows that I want to do are all linked between them by a storyline and I created a context in which the 4 characters interact during one night by getting to be in the same place but not knowing each other. I have been very inspired in special for creating this context by the bars where I hang, Chelsea, Rhiz, B72, kramladen, the Gürtel dive-bars. Besides the music, which will be our compositions mixed with a few covers and intro and end-of-show bits, will also have me acting a bit and also eventually I would like to create different stage setups for each of the shows. Eventually the about 4 / night original songs could turn into a studio recording I'm really interested in.
I am aware that all this concept is ever-changing and I myself keep changing the script and the main plot points so I would be get the input of other people as well and find a common-ground to create, so your artistic input in the band is more than welcome, it's recommended :) My songs so far lyrically deal with A LOT of stuff, they're not really love songs, but rather I could say this whole project started as me revisiting some of the unprocessed experiences in my past and trying to reunite and come to terms with who I am and who I want to be. With the good and the bad in my personality, family trauma, my impostor syndrome, suicidal friends, depression, relationships and connections, exploring the world, meeting expectations, mundanity, feeling lost, trying to find meaning. Also, super big theme is my struggle with identifying the most human things in our nature and try and express them and create a discussion on what artistry will mean and how the world will look like under the influence of artificial intelligence. I wouldn't call it sad music or depressing, but we should discuss more at a beer.
Now as for the musical part, I will state a little my influences and what I listen to to get a sense of what's the sound I'm aiming for. So, in general, I am very heavily influenced by blues and Chicago electric blues, The Rolling Stones is my favorite band, and the rest what you can think of from that era, with a particular interest in psychedelic music (from Pink Floyd's "Piper at the Gates of Dawn" to The Flaming Lips, shoegazy stuff, Spiritualized, etc. ). Also, David Bowie is huge for me, particularly the Ziggy Stardust - Aladdin Sane era, and the Berlin trilogy.
As for more modern music, my absolute favorite band is The 1975 and I would say maybe their At Their Very Best tour is a big inspiration for me. Also as a stage singer persona I think I resemble Matty Healy pretty well. Then Noah Kahan, Mac Miller, Dominic Fike, Frank Ocean, Tyler the Creator, Bon Iver, and much more. I am very attracted to kind-of cinematic movies, and films in general have influenced me a lot and how I see the world.
Regarding my project, I think big inspirations are my favorite concept albums (concept stuff being in general super interesting to me), Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, The Who's Quadrophenia, and I think in general Pete Townshend was kind of like-minded in this regard and now I am researching his unfinished project Lifehouse which seems to come close to what I want to do.
Live stuff I like and would be worth mentioning:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epjQAHfTXfo&t=747s&pp=ygUbYXQgdGhlaXIgdmVyeSBiZXN0IHRoZSAxOTc1 - full recording of a 1975 show
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3Or7huOK7o&pp=ygU_dGhlIHJvbGxpbmcgc3RvbmVzIGxpdmUgYXQgdGhlIGNoZWNrZXJib2FyZCBsb3VuZ2UgY2hpY2FnbyAxOTgx - Rolling Stones at Checkerboard 1981 with Muddy Waters - one of the things that got me into both blues and the Stones
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QiIwk-dk78&pp=ygUPbG9zdG15aGVhZCBsaXZl - very cinematic shoegazy the 1975
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNwpbW0wCAI&list=LL&index=158&pp=gAQBiAQB - Bruce Springsteen live is crazy - I am particularly fond of the 78 tour
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=761yzGz4HzQ&pp=ygUXdGhlIHJvbGxpbmcgc3RvbmVzIGxpdmU%3D - 78 tour Stones
You can check my most listened artists and what I listen to in general here : https://www.last.fm/user/bogdanteo2002/library/artists?date_preset=ALL&page=1
Some of the records I rated : https://rateyourmusic.com/~bogdanteodorescu2002
Re: Looking for musicians to start a band for an ambitious project. Details in post. Start roughly on 01.03.2025
Hello, Sounds exiting! I play guitar and bass and also write songs. let me know if you want to inquire further. Best, Matti
Re: Looking for musicians to start a band for an ambitious project. Details in post. Start roughly on 01.03.2025
Hey, this seems very interesting! I play the drums, normally some heavier stuff, but your description sounds really convincing ;) Let me know if you are still looking for a drummer! lg Philip
Re: Looking for musicians to start a band for an ambitious project. Details in post. Start roughly on 01.03.2025
Hey, that sounds very intresting. I play guitar and keyboard and would love to be part of that project. Just send me a message if youre still looking for somebody. lg Eva
Re: Looking for musicians to start a band for an ambitious project. Details in post. Start roughly on 01.03.2025
Hey, your idea sounds very interesting. I?m an experimental guitar player (most similar to U2?s the Edge), and I like to create spacious, ambient melodies. If that?s up your alley then id like to pay with you.
P.s. I don?t have to be the main guitarist ; I?m also a bass player