Guitarist, Bassist & Drummer for Surf/Garage Punk Band

  • E-Gitarre
  • Bass
  • Schlagzeug

Guitarist, Bassist & Drummer for Surf/Garage Punk Band

Do you like the sound of old and new surf/garage bands, such as the Cramps, the Sonics, the Mummies, the Turbo A.C.s, Messer Chups, The Ghastly Ones and also love punk/metal music? Throw them all in a witch kettle, together with a female singer, a great rhythmic guitarist, a hard, dirty and creepy sound, and a massive ditch of darkness, and try to imagine the result!

We are looking for open minded and experienced musicians from the punk/garage scene, to write & work on own songs. The goal ist to make music that can be played live, but also to record albums, so you need to make time and have lust for music! The rehearsals will take place in Vienna, we are already looking for a rehearsal room :)

If you are willing to learn more, don't hesitate to contact us here with a few words about you and links/vids of your qualifications. Deutsch geht auch ;)


Re: Guitarist, Bassist & Drummer for Surf/Garage Punk Band

Ich habe ein bisserl Band / Probe / Recording Erfahrung, allerdings noch keine live Erfahrung. Habe bisher in Bands nur Gitarre gespielt und würde das auch weiterhin bevorzugen, habe aber auch bissl Skills am Bass. Bei Interesse sollte ich noch wo Aufnahmen von alten Proben finden, wenn ihr was hören wollt. Ansonsten einfach auch gerne mal eine Jam Session
Ihr erreicht mich auf WhatsApp, Signal oder telefonisch unter 0676/5115336

Liebe Grüße Michi

Re: Guitarist, Bassist & Drummer for Surf/Garage Punk Band


I'm 24y. old, drumming for about 10 of them and in the process of reigniting the flames again, as I was focused on other projects and different instruments for the last couple of years. I'm definitely intrested in the direction you want to go and look forward to come togheter for some jamming!
I've played in bands before and jammed a lot, but have no real recordings to show for, I'm afraid but very willing to change that :)

feel free to reach me on my cell 069918223563


Re: Guitarist, Bassist & Drummer for Surf/Garage Punk Band

Hallo :)

Hätte Lust Bass oder Git zu spielen! Bin 30 und hab Band und Gig Erfahrung. Freu mich von euch zu hören! :)


Re: Guitarist, Bassist & Drummer for Surf/Garage Punk Band

Noch aktuell?

Re: Guitarist, Bassist & Drummer for Surf/Garage Punk Band

The add is still active! Please send us links of your social media profiles, band links etc. in the email provided :)


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