We're looking for keys/piano/sax players

  • Keyboard/Klavier
  • Saxophon

We're looking for keys/piano/sax players


We're a "groovy rock band with a punk attitude", playing rock, soul, blues and a wee bit o' country music.

Reference tracks here:

We want to lead heavy with keys and piano players to make the sound that much more smooth. You wouldn't just be a person in the background, but rather playing a really important part in our group.

On sax: all songs could use it, to varying degrees.

We're open to jam and figure it all out.

Best wishes!

instagram: @ktsg.official

Re: We're looking for keys/piano/sax players

Hey, i am playing the Piano and also Saxophone (but wich I havent played for quiet a long time now) and am looking for a band to join. I have not played in a band yet but in several orchestras.

Re: We're looking for keys/piano/sax players

Hi Claram!

We'd be open for your collaboration. I'll send you a private message with more details. Cheers!

Re: We're looking for keys/piano/sax players

Hi , are you still searching for a sax player ?
I play Tenor &Soprano for a while so just drop me a line if you still need one .
Best Foo

Re: We're looking for keys/piano/sax players

Hi Foo!

yes please check messages within this platform for contact information so we can begin talking. cheers


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